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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

April 19, 2011

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Walt Glines
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Other Attendees: Nancy Bailey, Jan Bernstein Chargin, and Rey Morales

1) Call Meeting to Order:

Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
Roll Call: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Walt Glines

The agenda was revised by moving (5) Review responses from RFP for Redistricting Consulting Services after Comments from the public to accommodate attendees.

2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the January 25, 2011 meeting were approved.
MSC (Dover/Glines), MSC.
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

  Review responses from RFP for Redistricting Consulting Services

Jan Bernstein Chargin reported that 2 consulting firms responded to the RFP; Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc. and the Community College League of California. Jan provided a handout comparing the two proposals by task. After discussion about the components of the work to be completed, the consultants' local experience and the approach to take, the committee members unanimously agreed to recommend the consulting services of Lapkoff & Gobalet Demographic Research, Inc. to the full Board of Trustees.

4) Introduction of Vision Committee

Gavilan faculty member Rey Morales introduced himself and provided a brief summary on the faculty Vision Committee. A group of faculty has been meeting for a year with the common desire to be active participants in the development of the campus in Hollister and the golf course land with instructional program development in mind. They would like to be part of the decision making process. Trustee Glines said that faculty play an important part in the decision process. Trustee Dover said all staff are encouraged to participate. Trustee Breen welcomed Rey and the Vision Committee to attend these meetings.

Rey described the progress of the arboretum and botanical garden project including the assistance of students in identifying and researching the names of some of the unique trees on campus. Rey concluded by saying that the process was an educational opportunity for themselves, the campus, and the community as many of Gavilan's trees and plants are unique to the area.

5) Review responses from RFP for Redistricting Consulting Services

Agenda revised to move this item after public comments.

6) Review RFP for Redistricting Legal Services

Jan reported that no responses were received. It was suggested that the redistricting consultant could assist with the selection of a legal firm and the committee agreed.

7) Review district wide capital projects

Vice President Joe Keeler reviewed the following projects:

  1. Updates to Final Project Proposals for the Library/Media remodel, the Theater, and Student Services/Administration building will be presented to the board at their May 10 meeting.
  2. Capacity Load Discussion - The district wants to be competitive when requesting state matching funds for capital projects. That means the district needs to use space efficiently and reduce the capacity load, in Gavilan's current case, by reducing lecture space. The scheduling of lecture classes needs to be disbursed to those days and times that are not being utilized effectively to make our cap loads competitive. This is consistent with the District's Facility Master Plan adopted by the Board. Making changes now will affect our ability to gain educational center status and build out on the San Benito and Coyote Valley properties. Joe noted that this is a difficult message for staff to hear as the reduction in "cap" load has to occur now even though the results in state funding may happen in the future. Steve added that this process started several years ago and has been successful in that the district has gotten "in line" for state funding on 4 different capital projects.
  3. San Martin Airport – Joe reported that he met with staff to review the aviation program needs. Contact with Santa Clara County has resulted in few records available. A number of issues need to be resolved including problems with the water pressure, power, and septic.
  4. The Community Media Access Partnership (CMAP) agreement ends March 2012. Joe has begun discussions with them about our space needs and CMAP's plans for the future.
  5. Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA) – Joe reviewed that he has had meetings with Gilroy Unified and their architects. The proposed location on the north side of campus (Plan A) may not be feasible due to GECA's facility needs, traffic and CEQA concerns. A second location to consider would be the site of the existing GECA portables but with the addition of a bridge for traffic flow out of the south end of Lot C but east of the duck pond and in front of the large Gavilan wall (Plan B). The committee unanimously agreed to hire a CEQA consultant to look into the environmental issues related to the building of the bridge first before considering the north site (Plan A).
  6. The Community Education (CJ500) building is in need of repairs including problems with termites and plumbing. It is not cost effective to make these repairs and demolition of the building is being recommended. The committee unanimously agreed to the demolition of the building at the same time the old police academy portables are being demolished. The pad for the community education building will be kept intact.
8) Other No report
9) Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. in memory of Gayle Glines. MSC (Breen/Dover)

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: May 18, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800