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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

October 4, 2010

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Debra Smith
  Committee Resources: Joe Keeler and Steve Kinsella
  Other Attendees: Nancy Bailey, Jan Bernstein Chargin, Walt Glines, Jeff Gopp, Mary McKenna, and Rey Morales

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Deb Smith called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the June 25, 2010 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Dover/Smith)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) "Native Landscape" Master Plan

Joe Keeler referred to the Gavilan College Landscape Master Plan approved by the Board of Trustees in June 2007. Several phases of the Plan have been completed such as parking lots and campus signage. Other phases will include the grounds and ADA improvements. Some of the ADA improvements have been completed in conjunction with building modernization projects.

The Plan also provides recommendations for selecting California native plants, trees, shrubs, and grasses. Joe noted that Jeff Gopp, Mary McKenna, Rey Morales and others have been working in a Health, Safety, Facility, and Grounds (HSF&G) Ad Hoc Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to propose native planting concepts for various sections of campus as outlined in the board approved Gavilan College Landscape Master Plan.

Joe noted that Trustee Breen has been involved with the development of the Landscape Master Plan document so his input on the specifics of the native planting and moving forward with phases of implementation is highly regarded. A discussion needs to take place as to what is defined as "native" plants. Trustee Breen indicated he is interested in the process and being involved in the implementation.

Trustee Smith asked if Tanaka Design Group would be involved in the development of specific plans and Joe said that is an option. Options for hiring an architect were discussed. President Kinsella indicated a bid process could take place.

Arboretum – Joe introduced Mary McKenna and directed the Committee to the "Proposal for Arboretum and Botanical Garden at Gavilan College" handout. Mary identified an area on campus for the proposed plantings; southern end of the duck pond, following the stream bed to the upper pond. The project would align with the Landscape Master Plan, provide a service learning opportunity for students, and be a resource for the community. Mary indicated that STEM grant funds have provided her the release time to work on the proposal and will also fund the first phase of program expenses. Mary is hopeful that STEM 2, still pending, would fund future phases.

Mary noted that the HSF&G Committee had pointed out that ADA accessibility will be required and that can be a costly item. Jeff Gopp added that irrigation would be required for both the native plantings and the arboretum in the initial year. Mary indicated that a Student Learning Outcome (SLO) and Program Plan will be submitted for this project.

Trustee Smith said that LA County has a large and successful program. She felt this was an opportunity to take advantage of our beautiful campus and share it with the community, students, staff, and faculty. Trustee Dover said it was "giving back to the community."

Erosion Control Project – Mary also discussed the Erosion Control Project which is included in the department's SLO and Program Plan. The HSF&G has approved the concept. This project would also utilize STEM grant funding. Rey Morales added that ecology students could participate as part of their service learning. He said it provides an opportunity to use the campus as a lab.

Joe reviewed that the Health, Safety, Facility and Grounds Committee and President's Council have agreed to forward these types of decisions to the Board Facilities Development and Utilization Committee. The Trustees approved the projects presented and Joe Keeler will report this to the HSF&G and President's Council.

Donation of Sycamore Trees – Steve reported that Michael Bonfante has offered approximately 50 Sycamore trees to the College. The offer includes delivery and planting for cost of labor. Joe noted that both Jeff Gopp and Ron Hannon have been consulted regarding the location of the trees. Trustees' Breen, Smith, and Dover also had suggestions. Trustee Dover suggested, for example, that the trees could be placed along the outfield baseball fence. Jeff noted that planting should not be near a sidewalk, building, or water and sewer lines as the roots cause damage.

The Trustees supported the donation of trees.

5) Status of Various Other Main Campus Projects
  Joe reviewed "Board Facilities Development and Utilization Committee, District Wide Capital Projects, Preliminary Draft: October 4, 2010" which is a list of thirteen (13) campus projects identifying the funding source, timeline (priority), estimated cost and any issues or comments. President Kinsella discussed the issues related to state funding, and the timing of projects in relationship to utilizing Measure E funds for matching funds and inflation. Joe reviewed the state's point system regarding lecture/lab space and how it impacts the funding of our state projects. President Kinsella stated that we are trying to accomplish a lot with the funding that is available. He noted that we have had savings due to low bids and that is being reallocated to other Measure E projects.
6) Status of Various Off Site Campus Projects

Joe reviewed the status of nine (9) offsite projects from the "District Wide Capital Projects" list.

The project list totaling 22 items (13 campus and 9 offsite projects) illustrates that a lot needs to be accomplished and that prioritization and timing is important.

7) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. MS (Smith/Dover)

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800