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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

September 9, 2009

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Debra Smith
  Committee Resources: Joe Keeler and Steve Kinsella
  Attendees: Jan Bernstein Chargin, Jeff Gopp, and Judy Rodriguez

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 3:40p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the April 14, 2009 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Smith/Dover)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) Draft Signage Plan Presentation
  Jan Bernstein Chargin presented a draft standardized signage program that included the following three (3) general categories: (1) buildings, (2) program and way finding, and (3) perimeter road. The Committee made a few suggestions but overall agreed with what was presented. The total amount budgeted for signage in the Measure E program is $150,000. However, an estimate from a local vendor was $50,000 for the entire project including installation, taxes, etc. Joe will confirm that the estimate is based on District specifications. Joe asked the Committee to rank the three categories of signage if for some reason there was not enough money. The Committee ranking was: (1) perimeter road, (2) program and way finding and (3) building signage. However, they indicated their support for doing all three.
5) Status of Morgan Hill Community Center Lease and Other Lease Options
  Joe reviewed the current cost for the Morgan Hill Community Center and other options in that area. Joe indicated that because of the State budget situation, the administration is recommending extending the lease agreement at the Morgan Hill Community Center which would affect the term, renewal, and termination provisions of the lease. The Committee agreed to these changes and this item will be presented to the Board for action at their October 2009 meeting.
6) Status of Hollister Airport Lease and Other Lease Options
  Joe reviewed the current costs for renting the airport facility and other options that have been discussed with the City of Hollister. Currently, the other options appear to be on hold.
7) Status of Briggs Building Lease and San Benito Property Build Out
  Joe reviewed the current cost for the Briggs building and other options in that area. The administration was asked to review how much it would cost to put a 20,000 square foot brick and mortar building on the San Benito property. Joe provided the Committee with an estimate from BFGC Architects which showed the cost at approximately $20 million. As an example, borrowing $15 million would cost the District approximately $950,000 a year for 30 years or a total of $15 million in principal and $13.5 million in interest. The Committee discussed other options and asked the administration to reconsider the modular concept that was discussed with the Board in January 2009 as this would be a less expensive alternative to a brick and mortar building. Joe indicated that he would contact BFGC Architects and get that information updated for a presentation at the November Board meeting.
8) Kitchell Contracts; Program and Construction
  Joe reviewed that we have two separate contracts with Kitchell. One is for Measure E program service which was for a set amount and that most of the services under that contract has been completed. The current program contract ends December 31, 2009. Some services, however, need to be extended for the next 2-3 years to complete the Business, Cosmetology, and Social Science Buildings. The administration would like the Committee’s approval to have discussions and negotiate a program services contract for the next 2-3 years. The Committee agreed. Once an agreement is reached, Joe will bring to the full Board of Trustees for approval.

Joe also reviewed that the construction contract has been extended through the issuance of two PAA’s; one for Business and Cosmetology and the other for the Social Science project. The gym roofing project could also be added as a third PAA. The administration is recommending that the District stay with Kitchell under the construction contract until the end of these projects. The Committee agreed.
9) BFGC Contracts; Architectural Services
  The District has two contracts with BFGC Architects. One for planning, i.e. Coyote Valley and San Benito County. A second for architectural services. i.e., Business, Cosmetology and Social Science. The administration is recommending that the District extend both contracts with BFGC Architects and the Committee agreed.
10) Review and Approve Budget Adjustments to Realign the Measure E Budget to Actual and Estimated Costs
  Joe reviewed the handout titled, "Measure E Budget Adjustment" which contained amounts needed to adjust and realign the Measure E budget. Joe noted that the hard construction low bid for the Cosmetology and Business buildings project was $927,793 below what was budgeted. Those additional funds, scheduled maintenance funds, and interest income are being used to offset increases in various other Measure E projects. The largest increases are for inflationary adjustments for those projects requiring state matching funds.

Joe noted that the Board Budget Committee approved this item. This item will be an action item at the October Board meeting. The Board Facilities Committee agreed to the requested adjustments.
11) Measure E Cash Flow Requirements
  Joe reviewed the cash flow projection handout and noted that in the 2nd quarter of 2010-11, given current projections, the Measure E program will be out of cash. The plan at this point is to wait until January 2010, review an updated cash flow projection, and review various options to get the program through the last major project which is the Social Science building. The lack of cash after the 2nd quarter is estimated to be approximately $3 million. The District has $28 million of bonds remaining to be issued. The dilemma is that we only need approximately $3 million and there are a number of IRS rules the District would run up against if we issued the $28 million but did not spend it.

Joe also noted that other District funds are experiencing projected cash flow problems because the State is deferring a number of our apportionment payments. Thus far, the County of Santa Clara has been very helpful in covering any projected shortfalls. At some point the County will have cash flow problems also. To solve this problem the District will look at what are called TRANS which is a short term borrowing solution but is paid off by the end of any given fiscal year.
12) Due to Water Shortage: Grass / No Grass Zones
  Joe asked the Committee how the District might address areas that currently have green grass that require regular maintenance versus areas that are more natural and do not need the same level of care. The Committee felt that the administration should go back and review the District Landscape Master Plan provided by Bob Tanaka to implement, over time, an exchange of current grass areas to a more natural state while still affording specific selected areas on campus for grass, flowers, etc. Joe indicated that he would do this and get back to the Committee in the future.
13) Other Items
  no other items
14) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.

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Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800