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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

April 14, 2009

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Debra Smith
  Committee Resources: Joe Keeler and Steve Kinsella

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the October 14, 2008 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Smith/Dover)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) Status of Measure E Projects
  Joe reviewed the Measure E Construction Update #27 with the Committee.
5) Review and Approve Budget Adjustment to Realign the Measure E Budget to Actual Costs
  The Committee reviewed the Measure E Master Budget draft dated April 7, 2009, pages 1-24. Page 2 compares total estimated revenue and expenses showing a deficit of $7,209,695. In addition, the far right column adds in the state match of $15,150,000 and an equal amount to the expenditures which results in the same deficit of $7,209,695. Pages 8-9 show a re-evaluation of the proposed costs to complete each Measure E project, a recommended reallocation of funds from those projects with an excess into those projects with deficits, and the unresolved question of how to cover the $7.2 million deficit. The Committee reviewed those scope changes that lead, in part, to the deficit. The Committee also reviewed the purpose of the land acquisition residual account of $9,687,403. In developing both the Coyote Valley and San Benito properties, the residual account was to help pay for site development costs. In the District's application to the State of California, each project contains $3.8 million of state funded site development costs. This, in turn, frees up funds from the residual account to offset the $7.2 million deficit. The Committee unanimously agreed to take the $7.2 million out of the land acquisition residual account to cover the deficit. Joe indicated that he would prepare the various budget adjustments, outlined in pages 8 and 9, for action at the May 2009 Board of Trustee meeting.
6) Review Potential Lease Space Options
  Joe provided a summary of the various terms, conditions, and related issues for leasing new space in both Morgan Hill and Hollister. Joe noted that this is also an item to be discussed with the full Board of Trustees in that evening's closed session.
7) Other Items
  After reviewing information related to the Social Science project the Committee. agreed unanimously to have the District install an ADA compliant elevator in the two-story Social Science building. In addition, the Committee agreed that, if the space were needed, go ahead and install two additional portables next to the two that were put in over the last few months.
8) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. MS

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Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800