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Facilities Development and Utilization Committee

October 14, 2008

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Debra Smith
  Committee Resources: Joe Keeler and Steve Kinsella

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the April 30 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Dover/Breen)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) Possible installation of crosswalk and trail from campus entrance

Joe reviewed an email from Mr. Brian O'Mara concerning issues surrounding the possible need for a crosswalk or other pedestrian access at the north entrance of the college. In addition, Joe discussed an accident where the mother of a GECA student had been bumped by a vehicle in the vicinity of this intersection. Joe reviewed various options including a drop-off area and also a pathway from the entrance of the college up along the creek and ending near the security maintenance building area. Discussion followed with the Committee on how this may also interface with item #5 on the agenda; the Gilroy Early College Academy (GECA).

5) Possible renovation of Police Academy portables for Gilroy Early College Academy

Steve Kinsella reviewed the potential growth for a fully implemented Gilroy Early College Academy. Steve also provided a number of options and rationale for moving GECA to the old police academy portables once the area has been renovated as the current portables are in very bad shape. The estimated cost, based on discussions with BFGC, is in the neighborhood of $2 million. This is only an estimate. There may be funds for this project, depending on other priorities, from either Measure E dollars or Measure P which is the Gilroy Unified bond on the November 2008 ballot.

6) Purchase option for Morgan Hill Community Center site

Steve reviewed the current status of negotiations for extending the lease at the Morgan Hill Community Center site and how we have been unable to reach an agreement with the City of Morgan Hill. One option may be to either move to a different site or to purchase the current site from the City of Morgan Hill. At this point, this is just for information as the District is still working diligently and in good faith with the City of Morgan Hill.

7) Lease agreement for Hollister airport site

Steve reviewed the history and long term prospects for the Hollister airport site and how, with the cooperation of both Gavilan and the City of Hollister, we may have a draft agreement ready for Board review in the next few months.

8) Status of Measure E renovations projects and timelines

Joe reviewed the Measure E Construction Update #24 with the Committee.

9) Review budget for Cosmetology and Business Building Measure E project

Joe reviewed how the business building HVAC system compressor stopped working. When looking at the age of the current HVAC system in both the business and cosmetology buildings, a better long term solution would be to replace the entire HVAC system as part of the Measure E renovation project. In the end, this would provide a long term solution versus staying with the old system and being "nickel and dimed to death" over the next 20 years. The cost for the business and cosmetology HAVC system is estimated to be approximately an additional $1 million. This same issue will also impact the social science building which is the next project in FY10-11. The estimated cost of replacing the HVAC system there is about $600,000.

In summary, Joe noted that the District will be bringing to the Committee, and for Board review, a number of budget changes for the entire Measure E program. These budget changes would include covering cost overruns for projects that are completed or near completion, changes to current and future renovation projects, as well as issues such as the crosswalk and trail near the entrance of the college. In addition, information will also be discussed with the Committee and Board concerning how to best use the residual monies from that portion of the Measure E program related to land acquisition and development.

10) Other Campus Projects

Other campus projects were discussed briefly.

11) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:55 p.m. MS (Dover/Breen)

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800