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Board Facilities Subcommittee Minutes

October 01, 2007

  Committee Members: Tom Breen and Deb Smith
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Guests: Casey Michaelis (Kitchell), and Robert Tanaka (Tanaka Design Group) and David Cartnal (BFGC)

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the April 30 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Smith/Breen)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments

4) Measure E Phase II Site Improvements:

David Cartnal provided the Committee with a handout, titled "Budget Summary: Phase 2 & 3 Site improvement Projects - Gavilan College" and Bob Tanaka provided maps of the campus with various colors and project information. The handout included the description of the entire campus and various areas where the scope of work was identified with the associated construction costs. The scope of work included the following three categories: lighting, parking, landscaping improvements, and accessibility. The total construction costs were estimated at approximately $1.4 million with an additional $360,000 needed for soft costs (Kitchell, BFGC, Tanaka, etc.). The Committee was asked to keep in mind that these costs were estimates and may change based on scope increases, inflation, accessibility issues, etc.

Steve indicated that the District could use various sources available to pay for the estimated $1.8 million total project cost. For example, Steve suggested using the $575,000 currently remaining in the Measure E Site improvement budget, $250,000 from the Parking Fund, $100,000 from Scheduled Maintenance, and an additional $500,000 that is currently budgeted under Measure E for removal of CJ500 and other portables. These amounts total approximately $1.5 million. Steve indicated that the difference can come from other sources including the General Fund.

Joe discussed the next step was in creating an overall plan of all the work to be done with tighter estimates of cost for Board review. Along with the plan would be a review of how to best sequence all the projects. An option would be to bid out all the work under one bid although the work could be done over a 12 month period. The plan would need to take into account the preservation of as much parking as possible during the fall and spring semester time periods. Deb asked if a presentation could be made at the November Board meeting and the answer was yes. Joe asked the Committee if the main priority was lighting and the Committee agreed that lighting was the main priority. In addition, as a temporary fix, lighting will be added to the road from Parking Lot H up to the gym as has been done at the end of Parking Lot C.

5) Status of Other Campus Projects:

Casey discussed the color standards that we are using in classrooms, bathrooms for carpet and tile. In addition, Casey reviewed the natural grass mix that Bob Tanaka recommended in the Gavilan College Landscape Master Plan.

Joe provided a summary review of the following projects: Science Complex Project, Occupational Ed Project, Theater Project, Humanities, Art and Music Project, Security and Maintenance Project, and the Scoreboard Project. All the projects are moving along as quickly as possible and everyone was relieved that the summer projects, such as parking and the 18 portables, were completed in time for the fall semester.

6) Discussion on Off Site Facilities

Steve and the Committee discussed Coyote Valley, the San Benito property, and the site that the aviation program currently uses at the Hollister Airport.

7) Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be arranged as needed.

8) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800