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Board Facilities Subcommittee Minutes

April 30, 2007

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Deb Smith
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Guests: Casey Michaelis (Kitchell), and Robert Tanaka and Charlie Lanfranco (Tanaka Design Group) and Steve White (BFGC)

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes from the January 16 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Smith/Breen)
3) Comments from the Public: No comments

4) Status of Measure E Landscaping Project

Robert Tanaka and Charlie Lanfranco provided the Committee with a draft Gavilan College Landscape Master Plan (LMP). The Plan included information concerning the campus character, accessibility, safety, image, and conservation with the enhancement of natural and manmade resources. They provided another handout titled, "Preliminary Cost Summary Worksheet for Red Zone Priority Improvement Areas," which included an accounting of probable (estimated) costs and a fold out map that highlighted by color those areas of the campus with the highest priority. From this map the most urgent priority was in red and was shown as Zone A. Zone A included lighting and rearranging parking Lots A, D, and F. Casey noted that if there was enough time to send a request for proposal out and get work started soon enough, that this project could be completed before school starts in the fall. He noted that we would like the Committee to consider the option. The Committee agreed with this sequence of implementing the highest priority portions of the LMP and that we should move ahead and try and get it completed this summer.

Mark Dover also noted that Lot H (by the tennis courts) and the walkway from Lot H up to the gym area needed to be considered as an urgent priority also. The Committee agreed. Robert and Charlie will revise the map to include these areas into the Zone A and the summer project will include this area also.

Robert and Charlie also distributed a draft "Gavilan College Campus Sign Program" that looked at various options concerning the process of establishing a campus identify and brand for the college.

5) Exterior Color Schemes

Steve White discussed the exterior colors for buildings, if they are painted, and provided the Committee with a number of options. The Committee selected Option #1 which is a Mountain Pine, Cape Royal, and Dillard color scheme. The Committee also recommended the color Wood Moss for the exterior wood enclosures for the electrical transformers that are scattered around campus as part of the infrastructure project. Steve also distributed a handout showing the various Postlight Fixtures for the parking lot and walkway lighting system.

6) Status of Measure E Projects, Timelines, and Budgets

Joe referred to Measure E Construction Update #9 and discussed those projects that are currently being worked on and the plans for the summer moves. Casey referred the committee to the Measure E Bond Quarterly Financial Status Report for the period 1/1/07 - 3/31/07. Joe noted that this report will be provided to the Board as an information item at the May Board meeting.

7) Status of Other Campus Projects and Timelines

Joe reported that in addition to Measure E projects funded by the bond, the campus was awarded approximately $300,000 in scheduled maintenance funds. These funds will be used to renovate the back two (2) wings of the theater ($250,000) and provide maintenance upgrades to the athletic fields ($50,000).

8) Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be arranged as needed.

9) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.

Please help keep Gavilan College a litter-free campus and preserve its park-like setting.
Thank you.

Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800