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Board Facilities Subcommittee Minutes

November 13, 2006

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover, and Deb Smith
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joseph Keeler

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:45 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes and discussion notes from the March 27 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Smith/Dover).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) Status of Measure E Projects and Timelines
  1. State Funding of Capital Outlay Projects and Load Capacity Ratios - President Steve Kinsella addressed the Committee on this topic. An article from the November 1 issue of the Mercury News, "Mission College showing its age", was distributed. The article announced that Mission College will receive $60 million for a state-funded remodel of a 1979 building. Another handout, "California Community Colleges, Capital Outlay Budget Plan, 2006-07", was distributed. This handout lists all community colleges receiving state funds for building projects for a total amount of $550,248,000. Gavilan is not on the list because of our load capacity ratio. Steve mentioned that this is a timely topic as Gavilan has been working on reducing the load capacity ratio in order to get State funding for our District.

    Steve reviewed that the state determines funding based on load capacity ratios and that Gavilan's ratios are too high. The State views Gavilan as overbuilt. Regardless of need or the availability of local bond money, the state provides funding only for those community colleges falling within their guidelines. In summary, you only get money when you comply.

    Gavilan's load capacity ratio is a primary focus in the renovation planning. The District, with the bond renovation money, is now in a position to make changes that will put the District in a good position for state funded projects. Steve said not to do this would be irresponsible.

    Steve provided an example of a large classroom with a 75 seat capacity being under utilized with only 40 students in the class. If that classroom is split to accommodate 45 students, it improves our ratio and thus our standing with the State for future State funding. Steve identified numerous community colleges that have taken the approach of reducing classroom size and now are listed on the Capital Outlay Budget Plan for 2006-07.

    These decisions are difficult and Steve said he has been receiving emails from staff resistant to these changes and some view it as "not understanding the instructional needs of the district", or "taking away their space". Steve stressed that the decisions on classrooms renovations are difficult and must be made from a global district point of view as the State looks at Gavilan from a District perspective not a specific building or classroom perspective.

  2. Status of Measure E Renovations - Joe distributed "Measure E Construction Update #4" for the Committee to review and comment on. It has been emailed to everyone, posted on the intranet, and distributed to the Board and Citizens' Oversight Committee. Joe also highlighted and handed out information as it relates to the Group I projects calendar of events, the infrastructure project, Swing Space I and II, and the status of the Gavilan College water system.

    The Board suggested, that as part of the subcommittee's report to the full Board at the November 14, 2006 Board meeting, they make a statement that reinforces the Board's commitment to aligning the District's load capacity to maximize as much state funding as possible.

5) Other Campus Projects and Timelines

Joe discussed the guidelines for scheduled maintenance and the process the District is using in allocating funds that were provided by the State as either one-time funding or ongoing funding for a total of $300,806. Joe also discussed an agreement with Tanaka Design Group who will be working as a subcontractor for BFGC Architects. Joe indicated that once the existing conditions and site analysis portion of the landscaping master plan is complete, we will meet with the Board Facilities Subcommittee to review the information and receive guidance.

6) Next Meeting Date

The next meeting will be arranged as needed.

7) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:40 p.m.

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Thank you.

Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800