Board Facilities Sub Committee Minutes

January 17, 2006

  Committee Members: Tom Breen, Mark Dover and Debra Smith
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joe Keeler
  Guests: Merle Cannon, Dave Cartnal, Kyle Huynh, Jonathan Lewis, Casey Michaelis and Dean Tatsuno

1) Call Meeting to Order: Trustee Tom Breen called the meeting to order at 4:01 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: Minutes and discussion notes from the November 15 meeting were approved unanimously. MS (Dover/Smith).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments.

4) Preview Bond Renovation Plan

Joe noted that the consultants will be providing a preview of the Bond Renovation Plan which is major component of the revised Gavilan Facility Master Plan. He referred to the attached report, "Minimum Technology Standards for Classrooms and Laboratories," dated Jan 3, 2006. This document will go to President's Council on January 25th and to Academic Senate on February 7. The next step would be to incorporate this document into the Bond Renovation Plan. It will not be a separate action item for the Board of Trustees.

Joe turned the meeting over to the consultants. Please refer to the attached notes for the detail of this report.

5) Next Meeting Dates
  The next meeting will be arranged for a date after the February 14 Board of Trustees meeting.
6) Meeting Adjourned.