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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

December 2, 2009

  Committee Members: Mike Davenport, Mark Dover, and Elvira Robinson
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella, Joseph Keeler, and Susan Cheu
  Guest: Bryanna Davenport

1) Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order at 5:10 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from September 2, 2009 were approved unanimously; MS (Robinson/Davenport).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) Review Budget Calendar FY 2010-2011
  Joe reviewed the draft Budget Calendar for FY 2010-2011. He noted that a number of different areas have all merged into this calendar. Those different areas include; unit plans and budget requests, a personnel position control file, operating cost budgets, Strategic Plan with Board of Trustee Goals, costing out the various class schedules, and Board approval of the Tentative Budget (June 8, 2010) and the Final Budget (September 14, 2010). Mike asked if Joe would provide a status report to the Board concerning the costing out of the class schedule after gathering input from the deans and others involved in developing the class schedule.
5) Mid Year Budget Review Presentation
  Susan Cheu, Director of Business Services, provided the Committee with a handout titled, "Gavilan Community College, FY08/09 Review of Budget vs. Actuals and FY09/10 General Fund Budget vs. Annual Forecast at 11/23/09." Susan noted that this same presentation, with possible revisions, will be provided to the Board at the December 8, 2009 Board of Trustees meeting. As the presentation progressed, there were a number of issues that were discussed in some detail. Those issues included encumbrances, how operating cost budgets are based on prior year actual expenditures, budget pooling of operating costs, proposed adjustments to the FY 09/10 current budget, Budget Reduction Task Force adjustments, the Gavilan College Educational Foundation, required percentage of fund balance to general fund expenses, and two year budget forecast assumptions. The Committee thanked Susan for a detailed and thorough budget review.
6) Other
  No other items were discussed.
7) Next Meeting Date No meeting date set.
8) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

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Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800