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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

April 30, 2008

  Committee Members: Mark Dover and Elvira Robinson
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joseph Keeler

1) Call Meeting to Order: Elvira Robinson, the Committee's Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from January 29, 2008 were approved unanimously; MS (Dover/Robinson).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) FY 2008-09 State Budget
  Joe and Steve both commented that since the Governor provided his State Budget in January, everyone is waiting to see what the May revise holds. The May revise will provide a greater estimate of how tax collections in the current year are going and how they will affect next year. Also, it will provide the Governor an opportunity to revise the budget that he submitted in January. As the months have gone by, however, the projected State deficit for FY 08-09 continues to grow. As of this date, it is now projected to be in excess of 16 billion dollars. The District will have more information in the later part of May.
5) FY 2007-08 Gavilan Budget
  The current budget is sound and the District is in a good position to be able to smooth out most bad news concerning the FY 08-09 State budget. Joe noted that, although the FY 07-08 Gavilan budget does contain the 4.53% COLA, it does not contain any additional revenue for growth. The dollar value of the growth we are experiencing this year is dependent on how other districts grow or don't grow.

Joe handed out the "State Budget Update #3" compiled by the Community College League of California and highlighted for the Committee the paragraph titled, Property Tax Shortfall." The biggest problem community colleges face in FY 07 -08 is that the State did not budget enough to "backfill" the difference between property taxes that are less than anticipated. The amount of this shortfall, if not "backfilled", could reduce Gavilan's revenue for 07-08 by about $400,000.
6) FY 2008-09 Tentative Gavilan Budget
  Joe provided the Committee with three (3) handouts:
  • "Schedule of Revenue"
  • "Schedule of Intrafund and Interfund Transfers
  • Consolidated Summary of All Funds
Joe noted that the tentative budget contains 0% COLA and 0% growth. The revenue for FY 08-09 is equal to our estimated base revenue for FY 07-08. On the expenditure side, Joe noted that a 2% COLA is included for all staff salary increases along with absorbing the projected increased cost of health, dental, vision, and life benefits and step and column movement on the salary schedule. Steve noted that the FY 07-08 ending balance probably will increase because the current FY 07-08 budget contains no growth and the District has grown.
7) Next Meeting Date No meeting date set.
8) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

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Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800