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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

January 29, 2008

  Committee Members: Mark Dover, Elvira Robinson, and Leonard Washington
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joseph Keeler

1) Call Meeting to Order: Elvira Robinson, the Committee's Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from August 21, 2007 were approved unanimously; MS (Dover/Washington).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) FY 2006-07 Actual
  1. State Recalculation Information - Steve referred the Committee to a handout titled, "Final Base FY 06/07 General Fund Revenue". Steve noted, in particular, that the minimum base for FY 07-08 has a growth factor of 2.10% and the value of that is approximately $480,000. This is currently not included in the FY 07-08 budget. However, depending on the enrollment growth or decline at other state community colleges, the value of our growth at Gavilan could go up as high as an estimated $1,278,000. The District should have a better indication of Gavilan's growth versus the rest of the State's growth by mid February. This, in turn, will have a direct impact on the options we might employ to help balance the FY 08/09 budget.
5) FY 2007-08 Budget
  1. Mid Year Report - Joe reviewed two documents; the first titled 'Mid Year Budget Review, FY 2007-08" and the other, "Monthly Financial Report". Both reports compared the current budget for all funds to the actuals as of December 31, 2007. On the right hand side is a percentage of the actual to budget comparison. Joe indicated that at this point, the actual to budget comparison is on target and the budget remains sound.
6) FY 2008-09 Budget
  1. Status of State Budget - Steve reviewed a McCallum Group, Inc., "Sacramento Report", dated January 28, 2008, and discussed with the Committee the probability that there may be a small, yet undetermined, mid year adjustment for FY 07-08. Also, that in the FY 08-09 budget a number of categorical programs may be affected as well as the general fund as outlined in the Report. Steve discussed how the FY 08-09 budget is still very much in play and that we need to be careful to separate the posturing from the reality.
  2. Status of Gavilan Budget - Steve reviewed a PowerPoint presentation that he presented to all staff on January 28, 2008 at the District's Professional Development Day.
    1. Revenue - Steve reviewed Gavilan's FTES counts and the trend continues to increase. Again, as noted above, if we increase and other community colleges decrease or hold steady, Gavilan has everything to gain.
    2. Expenditures - Steve noted that the District is taking a number of defensive moves to provide the District with a number of options if the FY 08-09 budget requires adjustment. For example, Steve reviewed how a number of positions are vacant and that we are holding off on nonessential expenditures. On the other hand, we have calculated and are including in our budget forecast the cost of employee step advancements, the cost of health, dental, vision, and life premiums, and a possible COLA.

      The process now is to wait and see how our growth compares to other community colleges and whether that growth equates into enough additional revenue to meet our expenditures obligations.
7) Next Meeting Date No meeting date set.
8) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

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Last modified: May 26, 2011
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800