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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

December 5, 2006

  Committee Members: Mark Dover, Elvira Robinson, and Leonard Washington
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joseph Keeler

1) Call Meeting to Order: Elvira Robinson, the Subcommittee's Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from July 31, 2006 were approved unanimously; MS (Washington/Robinson).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) On-Going / One-Time Funding Allocation Process and Recommendations

Joe reviewed a one page handout listing the various one-time and on-going allocations totaling $1,310,834. He reviewed the allocation process and how each of the five different groups of funding are moving through various committees and ultimately to the Board of Trustees. Joe indicated that the first group of funding, the Career Technical Funding, of $170,092 has now been approved by all the committees including a recommendation to the President from President's Council and the President agrees. Joe also indicated that this is the only group that does not allow for a carryover and that time is of the essence in spending the funds in order to meet the June 30, 2007 deadline. With the approval of the Board Budget Subcommittee, Joe would like to authorize the expenditure of the funds now and bring to the full Board at the January or February meeting along with the Scheduled Maintenance recommendation and the Instructional Equipment recommendation. There was a motion to approve the Career Technical allocation plan as presented and spend the money now. MS (Washington/Robinson)

Joe also distributed a packet of information concerning on-going funding recommendations that were used to identify and rank additional District support staff. He reviewed the application process used by the College Budget Committee in ranking each application. Included in the packet were four spreadsheets that identified the three categories and individual rankings of all the applications that were received.

Steve shared with the Subcommittee his written recommendations for Board approval at the December Board meeting and discussed the rationale behind the choices. Recommendations included those to be implemented during the current FY 06/07 year and those that will be budget priorities in developing the FY 07/08 budget. There was a motion to approve Steve's recommendations. MS (Washington/Dover)

5) Draft Budget Calendar

Joe distributed a draft Budget Calendar for FY 07/08 and noted that the College Budget Committee is still reviewing the calendar. Motion to approve the Budget Calendar FY 07/08. MS (Washington/Dover)

6) Next Meeting Date

The subcommittee agreed to meet sometime in January and asked that Nancy contact them in January.

7) Adjourned Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800