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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

May 18, 2006

  Committee Members: Elvira Robinson, and Leonard Washington
  Committee Resources: Steve Kinsella and Joseph Keeler
  Guests: Shuk Au-Yeung, Mimi Arvizu, Dave Phillips

1) Call Meeting to Order: Elvira Robinson, the Subcommittee's Chair, called the meeting to order at 3:35 p.m. Introductions were made.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from January 31, 2006 were approved unanimously; MS (Robinson/Washington).
3) Comments from the Public: No comments from the public.

4) FY 2006-07 State Budget

Joe provided the committee with a handout concerning SB361 and a chart showing various scenarios for equalization funding. Joe also discussed in summary the May revise as made public on Friday, May 12, 2006 by the Governor. Joe indicated that the decision from Gavilan's perspective was not to count funds that had not yet been approved as part of the total FY 06-07 State budget. That it was more prudent to wait and see what happens especially in terms of SB361 and equalization funding. Steve indicated that even now there was a phone conference with District CEO's to discuss another formula for the equalization funding. The issue is still in play and unresolved at this point in time.

5) FY 2006-07 Gavilan Budget

Joe referred to the handout titled "Consolidated Summary All Funds, Tentative Budget FY 06-07. He reviewed how to read the 6 pages but paid particular attention to the Unrestricted General Fund 10. There Joe highlighted the net change in ending fund balance for FY 06-07 a ($546,794). Joe noted that if the equalization funding is provided by the new system, the first priority would be to eliminate the deficit and the second priority, if additional funds are available, would be to look at reinstating various classified positions such as MIS tech, custodian, budget analyst, library help, etc.

Steve discussed the efficiencies with increasing the average size of each class at Gavilan and how a small increase in the number of student per class overall can affect the amount of growth funding the District is eligible for.

Shuk Au-Yeung addressed the subcommittee with a concern over how the library program is funded each year. Currently, library books and supplies are allocated through a categorical program called instructional equipment and material. Shuk feels that being categorical it cannot be relied on as much as if the library were funded through a general fund allocation. It was pointed out that no matter the source of funds; the library has been funded consistently over the last few years without interruption.

6) Status of Preferred Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Vendor

Dave Phillips gave a report concerning the current status of this project. Joe noted that both the ERP Subcommittee and the Tech Committee have approved the District moving ahead with the SCT/Banner contract for Board approval without an additional committee meeting to review the contract first. Joe asked if the Board Budget Sub-Committee was open to the same protocol and the answer was yes.

7) Next Meeting Date

Joe noted that the final budget will be prepared during the summer in order to have the Board of Trustees approve a final budget at the September 12, 2006 Board meeting. Joe indicated that the College Budget Subcommittee, because of timing and the unavailability of committee members during the summer, approved the District moving ahead with the submission of a final budget without an additional College Budget Committee meeting. Joe indicated that it was important, however, for the Board Budget Subcommittee to meet to review the final budget prior to taking it to the Board meeting in September. The subcommittee agreed to meet as required.

8) Adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.

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Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800