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Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

January 31, 2006

  Committee Members: Mark Dover, Elvira Robinson, and Leonard Washington
  Committee Resources: Nancy Bailey (recorder) and Joseph Keeler
  Guests: M. Arvizu, K. Miller, D. Naranjo, D. Phillips, and J. Sandow

1) Call Meeting to Order: Elvira Robinson, the Subcommittee's Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m. Introductions were made.
2) Approve Minutes: The minutes from August 23, 2005 were approved unanimously; MS (Washington/Dover).
3) Comments from the Public: Daniel Naranjo, ASB VP of Finance, commented on the $14 health fee charged to students upon registration. He suggested that information on student health services be included either on the registration receipt or with a handout.

4) BOG Student Health Fee Waiver

This item has been placed on the agenda as a result of direction from the Board to the administration at the December 13, 2005 Board of Trustees meeting. The implementation of the $14 health fee charge to recipients of BOG Grants was delayed by the Board in an effort to allow the administration time to meet with ASB and other campus groups and secure additional information before any final Board action.

Mr. John Pruitt provided a packet of information and reviewed the status of AB 982 including a copy of the bill and a bill analysis dated March 31, 2005. Mr. Pruitt provided resources so that an open discussion could take place in our shared governance process. The administration has continued to collect more data from the state and also input from the students and program directors directly affected.

Student Trustee Jesse Sandow also provided a handout, "Community College Fees - Some Common Misperceptions." Student Trustee Sandow said the issue was how BOG students and students in other categorical programs will be affected by implementing the fee. He stated that Gavilan's population of students receiving BOG grants is about 3700; over half the student population. He is concerned that it will prevent students from attending who are not reimbursed for the fee or cannot pay it out of pocket. He did not want to deny a student access to an education.

Mr. Pruitt made the following points:

  • The implementation of the health fee for all students would directly increase revenue for student health services. He indicated that there are no new funding sources to offset the rising costs. The Education Code requires any community college district that provided health services in 1986-87 to continue providing that same level of service. Our health service is run effectively and efficiently but it is a budgetary challenge. Additional funds could be used to provide additional services such as minimum levels of service to night students and mental health service.
  • The question on whether funds awarded to students in the future will result in increased awards to compensate for the additional health fee charges is still being reviewed. It was noted that this is an appropriate fee for students funded through programs such as EOPS and DRC based on information we have received from the Chancellor's Office. Whether awards will be raised to cover the fee, is information that we still need to gather.
  • All students have the benefit of health service; however, not everyone is paying for it. It is an issue of fairness.

Trustee Dover asked why we need to collect the $14 fee from these students now, when we didn't several months ago. He felt we could wait a while and see what happens at the state level. Trustee Washington felt the purpose of the BOG grant is to help these students out, now we want to take some of that money away from them. Trustee Dover asked if there was no other way to fund health services and what would be the budgetary impact? Trustee Robinson agreed with Trustees' Washington and Dover.

Joe Keeler suggested to the Trustees that no action be taken at the February Board of Trustees meeting which would allow for more discussion and collection of more current information. Once this process has been completed, a report can be presented to the Board Budget Subcommittee and then to the full Board perhaps in March 2006. The Trustees agreed.

5) Preferred Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Vendor

Dave Phillips provided a review on the extensive and collaborative process of selecting a preferred ERP vendor. The ERP Subcommittee, District Tech Committee, President's Council have all agreed to recommend a preferred vendor. The initial stages of negotiations have begun with all vendors.

The project implementation phase will be lead by Dave Phillips, in a half time position, and an outside project manager. This external relationship will prove helpful to the District in these initial ERP vendor contract negotiations and again when we are implementing the ERP system.

Trustee Dover asked if we could do this project within budget. Joe reported that, as it stands now, yes, every effort is being made to maximize the District's dollars by carefully negotiating the contract and front end planning on the implementation and training needs of the staff. He noted that on going maintenance and support would be general fund expenses.

Trustees' Robinson, Washington, and Dover thanked everyone for their involvement in the selection process.

6) FY 04-05 District and Bond Audits

Joe reported that the auditors are completing two different audits for the District; a District audit and Measure E Bond performance and financial audit. Both audits are in draft form and under review. It will be presented at the February 14, Board of Trustees meeting. Joe reported that we received a "clean" opinion and that there were no adjustments required, no audit findings, no exceptions or comments. The Business Services' Office and a number of others were commended for their work.

The Measure E Audit report will also be presented to the Citizen's Oversight Committee. The audit on this fund also received a "clean" opinion. The Trustees agreed

7) FY 05-06 Gavilan Mid Year Report

Each committee member received a copy of this report which compares our current year's budget to six month's actual costs. Two areas were addressed. The adjunct faculty budget is over budget along with a few other areas. The report will go to the February Board meeting with adjustments being presented to the Board of Trustees at the March meeting. The Trustees agreed.

After year end adjustments, it is anticipated that we will have a positive ending fund balance when we close FY 05-06.

8) FY 2006-07 State Budget

Joe reported that he attended the State Budget Workshop along with Dr. Kinsella and Dr. Harmon. Joe provided each committee member with a copy of the "Overview of the Proposed Community College Budget for 2006-07" and noted the cost of living adjustment of 5.18% should be fully funded in 2006-07. Funding options for equalization is being reviewed at the state. The May revise may alter this information but Gavilan will develop their budget on the most prudent information available.

9) FY 2006-07 Gavilan Budget

Joe handed out and reviewed the proposed "Budget Calendar FY 06/07". The calendar will be presented to the Board of Trustees at their February 14, 2006 meeting. The Trustees agreed.

Joe distributed a draft of the "Budget Guidelines, FY 2006-07". He noted that the guidelines incorporate both the Strategic Plan goals and Board Goals'. The budget is based on the Budget Guidelines. It was noted that not all budget guidelines are monetary in nature.

Trustee Dover suggested adding an item to "Section 3" concerning health services. Trustees' Washington and Robinson agreed to add "explore health services offered by the student health services' program." Joe noted he will make this change, and bring the revised guidelines to the March Board meeting for approval. The Trustees agreed.

10) Next Meeting Dates
  No meeting date set.
11) Adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m.

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Last modified: September 14, 2009
Gavilan College 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 848-4800