Board Budget Subcommittee Minutes

May 17, 2005



Committee Members: Mark Dover, Elvira Robinson, and Leonard Washington

Committee Resources: Joseph Keeler and Steve Kinsella


1)      Call Meeting to Order – Joe Keeler called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. There were no changes to agenda.


2)      Approve Minutes – Minutes from the April 6, 2005 meeting were approved by consensus.


3)      Comments from the Public – None.


4)      Information Item: Status of Governor’ s May Revise FY 2005-06– Joe reviewed the following handouts with the Committee:          


·         State Budget Update #1 dated 1-10-2005

·         Preliminary May Revise Budget Numbers

·         2005-06 Growth Rates

·         Gavilan State Revenue Calculations dated 5-16-2005

·         Schedule of Intrafund and Interfund Transfers

·         Consolidated Summary of All Funds (Exhibit 2, pages 1-6)


Along with the handouts, Joe highlighted the change between the Governor’s January budget proposal and the May revise proposal highlighting:

·         COLA is 4.23%.

·         Equalization statewide was only $40 million and not the $80 million we were hoping for.

·         Gavilan’s growth rate is 3.65% equal to approximately $500,000 at full growth but budgeted at only half of that because we have been unable over the last 2 years to hit our growth cap.

·         In addition, Joe indicated that the college is working to reduce the general fund transfer to community services classes by $50,000 and CDC by about 85,000.

·         In referring to the Consolidated Summary of All Funds handout, the deficit in the FY 05/06 tentative budget is ($218,154).


Discussion followed on those things that the college could do to maximize its growth as part of Gavilan’s vision of becoming the "College of Choice".  In addition, Steve discussed in detail how the District plans to reduce the deficit in both the Child Development Center and the Community Education programs along with discussion on the benefits of the new emphasis on expanding the noncredit program at Gavilan.


5)      Next Meeting Date – The Committee agreed by consensus to wait until the state budget is approved or, if not yet approved, when the adopted budget numbers are available to set the next meeting date.


6)      Adjourned – Meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m.