Board Budget Committee Minutes

February 2, 2005



Committee Members: Mark Dover (present) and Leonard Washington (absent)

Committee Resources: S. Kinsella, J. Keeler (both present)


I.               Call Meeting to Order Đ No changes to agenda.


II.              Status of Various Management Information Systems, (MIS) Projects - Joe Keeler reviewed the status of MIS projects and discussed the sequencing and resources required to implement the ERP system along with other MIS projects. This issue is being discussed with various college committees. There was some discussion concerning where the funds are coming from and Joe Keeler reviewed the funding information in detail.


III.            FY 03/04 Financial Audit - Joe reviewed the audit and pointed out four particular items as follows:

á      Unqualified Opinion (page 2)

á      No Auditor Adjustments (page 37)

á      No Finding or Questionable Costs (page 50)

á      Action Item at February 8, 2005 Board Meeting to Accept Audit Report


IV.        FY 04/05 Budget and Actuals to Date - Joe reviewed the mid year budget adjustments and why they were necessary. They will be an action item at the February 8, 2005 Board meeting.


IV.            FY 05/06 Budget Đ Joe reviewed the GovernorŐs budget and explained that it is the basis for assumptions for GavilanŐs budget development.

He also discussed the purpose of GavilanŐs budget guidelines and that they will be presented for board action at either the March or April Board meeting.


V.             Adjournment