Community Education
Board Sub Committee Minutes

February 07, 2006

  Committee Members: Deb Smith, Mark Dover, Laura Perry, Jesse Sandow
  Committee Resources: S. Kinsella, Terry Newman

1) Call Meeting to Order: Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 4:09 p.m.
2) Comments from the Public: None

3) Information Item(s)
  1. Report from Community Education Director Terry Newman, Director, provided comments on each program. Trustee Smith asked whether the Motorcycle Training Program should be considered for removal given the financial performance of this area, could there be more emphasis on the Test Prep areas.

    Trustee Dover asked whether the new web registration system could be paid for by Measure E.

    Terry shared changes in the summer youth program.
4) Adjourned. Meeting adjourned at 5:05 p.m.