Meeting Schedule
Meeting Minutes and Agendas can be found on BoardDocs at
The Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Open session meetings generally begin at 7:00 PM.
2023 Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
January 6 (Fri): 12-5 pm | Board Retreat - Orientation Part 1 | TBD |
January 7 (Sat): 9-4 am | Board Retreat - Orientation Part 2 | TBD |
January 10: 6 pm/7pm |
Regular Meeting | Student Center Lounge |
February 4: (Sat) | Strategic Planning Meeting | Student Center Lounge |
February 14: 6 pm/7 pm | Regular Meeting | Coyote Valley Site |
March 14: 6 pm/7 pm | Regular Meeting | Student Center Lounge |
March 21: 6 pm | Board Development Workshop | Student Center Lounge |
April 11
5 pm - Study Session 6 pm- Regular Meeting |
Student Center Lounge |
May 9: 6 pm/7 pm | Regular Meeting | Hollister City Hall |
May 16: 5:30 pm | Special Meeting, College President Evaluation | Student Center Lounge |
June 10: (Sat) | Board Budget Workshop | Social Sciences Room 206 |
June 13: 6 pm/7 pm |
Regular Meeting | Social Sciences Room 206 |
August 8: 6 pm/7 pm | Regular Meeting | Social Sciences, Room 206 |
August 12 (Sat) | Board Retreat - Budget, Goal Progression and Policies/Procedures Chapter Review | Social Sciences, Room 206 |
September 12 |
5 pm - Study Session 6 pm - Regular Meeting |
Student Center Lounge |
October 10 |
5:30 pm - Retirement Meeting 6 pm - Regular Meeting |
Student Center Lounge |
November 7 | Special Meeting, Board Self Evaluation | Student Center Lounge |
December 12 |
5 pm - Board Goals Study Session 6 pm - Regular and Organization Meeting |
Student Center Lounge |
The public is welcome to address the Board on particular agenda items and may do so at during the allotted public comment time on the agenda.
Individuals wishing to address the Board on a non-agenda item may do so during Public Comment. However, no action may be taken on an item which is not on the agenda.
Individuals wishing to have an item appear on the agenda must submit the item in writing to the Superintendent/President two weeks prior to the regularly scheduled meeting. The Board President and Superintendent/President will determine what items will be included in the agendas.
In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act, if you need special assistance to access the Board meeting room or to otherwise participate at this meeting, including auxiliary aids or services, please contact Deborah Britt-Petty at 408-848-4711. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the District to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to the Board meeting.
Members of the public may inspect agenda documents distributed to the Board of Trustees at the President's Office, SC131, during regular working hours.