Seville 2015 - Contact Information

Giralda Center Spanish House
Address: Avenida Menéndez Pelayo, Nº 16
41003, Sevilla, Spain

Mateos Gago, Nº17
41004, Sevilla, Spain

(click for map)

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9 am - 8 pm
Phone: 954 221 346
from the US, dial 011 34, then the number;
remember the 9 hour time difference!!!
(12:00 noon California == 9:00 pm Seville)
 Fax: 954 212 659
from the US, dial 011 34, then the number
web site:


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Last updated on 06/08/15 .
Send questions or comments to Franz Mayrhofer at