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Meet & Greet, Veterans Expo

Gavilan College is committed to the success of our student veterans. The Veteran Student Voices and Meet and Greet events are designed to allow our veteran students to connect with each other and the college, and to voice ideas on how Gavilan can better serve veterans and their families.

Next Meet and Greet: TBA
Next Vets Expo: TBA

Services provided at the past Vets Expo included:

Medical doctor – basic exam (sick call), prescription refill processing, and registration for VA medical benefits

VSO (Veterans Service Office) – assistance with processing of disability claims, college fee waivers, and employment services

Operation Freedom Paws – service dogs for veterans with PTSD

Project Hired - Wounded Warriors - job information for veterans

Disability Resource Center - demos of assistive technology

National Hispanic University - college information for veterans

Wounded Warriors: Project Hire - job information for veterans

CA Employment Development Department - representative specializing in veterans services

Cintas - job information for veterans

US Dept. of VA - medical benefits enrollment

US Dept. of VA - medical doctor for exams and other needs

VA VITAL Initiaitve, San Jose State Univ. - college services

CA Dept. of VA, CALVET - triage for veterans issues

CA Dept. of Rehabilitation - vocational rehabilitation information

VFW CA Post 6309 - information on services provided to veterans

Santa Cruz Vet Center - military sexual trauma information

Gavilan Veterans Club - information on joining veterans club

Free chow – lunch was served for veterans and vendors

You do not need to be currently enrolled to use the Expo services. Stay tuned for the next Expo.

Meanwhile, if you are a veteran and have a need for services, stop by or call Gavilan's Veterans Resource Center


Last modified: September 30, 2015
Gavilan College Red Diamond 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Red Diamond Gilroy, CA 95020 Red Diamond (408) 848-4800