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Student Veterans Club

The Gavilan College Student Veterans Club was founded in Fall of 2011 by a group of student veterans interested in helping veterans and families of veterans succeed and adapt to academic life at a community college.

The club has many goals, some of which are improving veteran services at Gavilan College, mentoring student veterans, raising awareness of veteran issues, promoting understanding on campus, and working with the Gavilan extended community to foster veteran success.

For more information about the club inquire in the Veterans Rersource Center in Library 109.

Veterans Club at Walk-A-Mile-In-Her-Shoes to benefit Monarch Services in Santa Cruz (April 28, 2016)


Veterans Club monthly meeting, Hollister VFW (February 2016)

Officers for the 2015 / 2016 academic year are:

President: Connor Quinn
United States Army, 2005 - 2014, E-6
Major: Health Science

Vice-President: Raymond D. Lopez, Jr.
United States Marines, 1996-2007, E-6
Major: Nursing

Secretary: Johnny Sandoval
United States Navy, 2008 - 2013, E-3
Major: Health Science

Treasurer: Connor Quinn

Sargeant at Arms: Josh Santoro

United States Marines, 2001 - 2005, E-4
Major: Communications

Club Advisor: Jillian Wilson

The Gavilan Veterans Club is a chapter of the Student Veterans of America national organization.

Student Veterans of America EmblemThe Veterans Club officers meet weekly in the VRC (Tuesdays, 1130)

We are looking for new officers for the 2016/2017 school year! Please stop by the VRC or contact Jillian Wilson (ext.4768) to throw your hat in the ring.


To contact the club, send an email to


Last modified: May 18, 2016
Gavilan College Red Diamond 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Red Diamond Gilroy, CA 95020 Red Diamond (408) 848-4800