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Gavilan Veterans Council

The Gavilan College Veterans Council was formed in Fall of 2011 for the purpose of promoting veterans and student veterans success. As a working sub-committee of the Learning Council, the group has been active helping to foster veterans awareness, working with the Student Veterans Club in an advisory role, and assisting with the Veterans Voices Project and Events.

The Council has been learning about the needs of student veterans by attending conferences and training classes, but most importantly by listening to our own student veteran's experiences on campus, both academically and socially. Using this information, the Council hopes to expand service and provide a positive campus climate for student veterans to achieve their academic pursuits.

The Veterans Council meets monthly in MP 113.

The Veterans Council representatives are volunteers from various campus constituent groups including administrators, managers, faculty and staff, as well as students. Current members for the Fall 2015 semester are:

  • Brooke Boeding, Counselor
  • Jacob Hester, Student Veteran
  • Janet Krulee, DRC
  • Fran Lopez, Administration
  • Raymond Lopez, Student Veteran
  • Ben McIntyre, Student Veteran
  • Kathleen Moberg, Administration
  • Izzy Quistian, Veteran, Theater Arts
  • Mary Ann Sanidad, Faculty & Title V
  • Josh Santoro, Student Veteran
  • Sandra Talavera, Financial Aid Veterans Officer
  • Jillian Wilson, Library
  • Jorge, Student Veteran
Last modified: October 12, 2015
Gavilan College Red Diamond 5055 Santa Teresa Boulevard Red Diamond Gilroy, CA 95020 Red Diamond (408) 848-4800