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Gavilan Spanish celebrates 400 years of Don Quijote

Class Index   Albert Marqués   David Pérez

Gavilan Resources

bulletGavilan Library: Our college library has hundreds of Spanish titles for you to check out, and if they don't have what you need they can order it from other libraries.
bulletGavilan Computer Place - LI 115: Your first stop for Spanish practice and homework. 
You will find Gaspar, the Gavilan Spanish Review program, online literature, an online Spanish dictionary, MS Word with Spanish accents, spell check and thesaurus, and more.
bulletGavilan celebrates 400 years of Don Quijote:
Check out the interactive bi-lingual version on the web or at the lab.
Read the First English translation (1612, 1620) by Thomas Shelton, or the popular Jarvis translation.

Web links

bulletCountry specific information: click one of the flags on the left to find links to lots of pages for a country (pass the mouse over the flags to see the country names). 
Or go directly to:
bulletLANIC - Latin American Network Information Center: University of Texas page with links to complete detail about all Latin American countries.
bulletBiblioteca Virtual Cervantes: the biggest collection of Spanish literature online - over 8000 books, audio files, videos, biographies.
bulletCentro Virtual Cervantes: this library has fully annotated versions of all of Cervantes' titles, as well as a collection of graded readings for students of Spanish.
bulletCervantesTV: the online TV station of the Instituto Cervantes - 24/7 interviews, specials, music, theater - a high quality presentation of Spanish & Latin American culture, geared towards students of Spanish.
bulletLiteratura Hispanoamericana: award-winning collection organized by Francisco Robles Ortega, professor of Spanish Language and Literature at the Instituto Vilatzara, Spain. Links to author pages, online text selections, audio, etc.
bulletSpanish Poetry: 3000 poems from hundreds of authors, from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century. Search by author, title, first line, and more.
bulletLa Santa Biblia:  online Spanish version of the Bible
essential for understanding Latin American culture.
bulletBBC Spanish News:  BBC Mundo is a news site in easy-to-understand Spanish - an excellent way to practice reading Spanish. It also includes video and audio news clips in Spanish.
bulletEnciclonet: Spanish online Encyclopedia. Check out their great "animaciones".
Log in with nick=Gavilan1, clave=student to search this large reference data base, or register in your own name, access is free, but most content is restricted to paid subscription only ...
bulletLa Real Academia Española: The predominant authority on all aspects of classical Spanish, with focus on Spain. Online dictionaries, verb conjugation, and more.
bulletDiccionario del Español Usual en México: A dictionary of the Spanish Language with focus on common usage in Mexico. Access the full text at Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes, or look for specific terms here
bullet Spanish Language Resource Center: This site from Houghton Mifflin features links to a variety of authentic materials, including cultural, linguistic, and current media.
bulletStudy Spanish: A free site with grammar and pronunciation tutorials, vocabulary and verb drills, games, and much more. Great page on How to type Spanish accents. Highly recommended - check it out! A free comprehensive guide to learning foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish
bulletThe Language Realm: A good source for slang , colloquialisms, proverbs, idioms, plus a list of Medical Spanish terms.
bulletSpanish Internet keyboard at  lets you enter Spanish characters without  Alt codes or special keyboard layouts. Works on any Internet connected computer in the world, so that you can type Spanish characters in any computer lab, Internet cafe, etc.
bullet Spanish Language Resources on the Internet: useful links to Spanish Language information on the web.
bulletSpanish Help: Online Games and Lessons: here you'll find vocabulary & grammar lessons, exercises, some listening practice, and a useful self-test to assess your proficiency level; much of it from college or university sources.
bullet Latin American & Caribbean Digital Primary Sources: This site provides links to open access digitized collections of primary sources that relate to Latin America and the Caribbean.
bulletNewspapers online: Huge listing of online newspapers - links to more than 5000 newspapers on the web, searchable by country and by publication.
bulletVirtual-Spain: Weblinks in Spanish and English to art, history, literature, music, radio, television, travel, etc... Some commercial ads, but worth a visit.
bulletBooksellers - Libreros Reunidos, S.L.: order books, CDs, etc. direct from Spain; very low prices, reasonable shipping, excellent service - if it exists, they'll find it!

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Class specific links

Span1A, Span1B

bulletAsí Es Textbook website, with chapter-by-chapter web activities, quizzes, and exercises. 
The Multimedia files to accompany the Textbook and the Workbook/Laboratory Manual are available online in the Gavilan Computer Lab - click the Span1A/B icon in the Spanish Programs folder
bullet¡Arriba! Textbook website, with chapter-by-chapter web activities, quizzes, and exercises. 
The Multimedia files to accompany the Textbook and the Workbook/Activities Manual are available in your online Lab through the Gavilan Distance Education system.

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Span2A, Span2B

bullet De Paseo Textbook website, with chapter-by-chapter summaries, web activities and links, and quizzes. 
The Multimedia files to accompany the Textbook and the Diario de Actividades are available online in the Gavilan Computer Lab - click the Span2A/B icon in the Spanish Programs folder
bulletIdentidades Textbook website, with chapter-by-chapter summaries, web activities and links, and quizzes. 
The Multimedia files to accompany the Textbook and the Workbook/Activities Manual are available in your online Lab through the Gavilan Distance Education system.

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Span12A, Span12B

bulletNuevos Mundos Textbook website with chapter-by-chapter links. es un portal de la empresa Spes Editorial, que publica diccionarios, enciclopedias y otras obras de referencia con las marcas Larousse, Harrap's y Vox.
bulletEspaña hoy: noticias: un periódico con información extraída de la prensa española, realizado por estudiantes de la Facultad de CC. de la Información de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. (Ya no actualizado)
bulletEspéculo: revista literaria del Departamento de Filología Española III, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
bulletThe Human Languages Page: Buscador disponible en español, inglés, francés, italiano, etc. Información sobre idiomas, diccionarios, servicios de traducción, lecciones de idiomas por el Internet, academias de idiomas. 
bulletInstituto Cervantes: Centro patrocinado por el gobierno español, ofrece una fuente de información cultural y académica. Provee gratuitamente al público libros, videos, y otros materiales educacionales. 
bulletInternet Resources for Spain and Portugal: from the University of Texas.
bulletLa página del idioma español: Contiene literatura del Congreso de la Lengua, ponencias de Cela, García Márquez, Octavio Paz; debates sobre temas de actualidad y sobre la lengua; una selección de diccionarios digitales; gramática; prensa en español, textos seleccionados por el Departamento de Español Urgente de EFE, enlaces y más.
bulletLibrary of Congress Hispanic Reading Room
bulletOnline Dictionaries, Translation Sources, and Language Learning Assistance: Florida International University.
bulletPulso del periodismo: Mecanismos de búsqueda, referencias, datos para negocios, estadísticas, y múltiples otros enlaces útiles para académicos, periodistas, y estudiantes. Florida International University.
bulletToda La Prensa: links to newspapers, magazines, radio and television, with a focus on Spain and Latin America.  
bulletThe Wall Street Journal Américas: Noticias financieras en español.
bulletVirtual-Spain: Directorio de España, enlaces en español e inglés.
bulletYahoo! En Español: Un buscador (search engine) muy popular. 

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Last updated on 08/31/16 .
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