
Welcome to the read aloud project sponsored by Teaching Reading and Writing (CD8B) students and the Gavilan Library. 
We are conducting virtual interactive read-alouds for grades PreK-5 as part of our course requirements this semester. This project stays exclusively within the Gavilan family, including children of staff, students and faculty. 
For each storytime, A Gavilan student will spend 20 minutes reading a story and teaching vocabulary and supporting reading comprehension. Your young reader will be engaged in listening to a fun story, while answering questions, making predictions, and making personal connections with the themes in the story!
We have also developed online resources directing parents and independent young readers who would like to continue exploring the title, the author, or the experience of how to have interactive storytelling with books!

Use the link on the right to sign up. Sign ups will close at 8pm the night before the storytime. We will be following up at that time using your Gavilan email address with connection information.

Cover of the book El Gran Capoquero

Date/Time: May 8, 2020, 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Salvadore Manzo

Title: El Gran Capoquero: Un Cuento De La Selva Amazónica

Author: Lynne Cherry

Target age range: 


Click on the title link to sign up.

El Gran Capoquero: Un Cuento De La Selva Amazónica



Completed Storytimes

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies? cover

Date/Time: April 20, 2020, 10am and 10:30am

Reader: Helene Escamilia

Title: How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?

Author: Jane Yolen and Mark Teague

Target age range: PreK - K

Summary: This book is about how dinosaurs eat cookies. They love different kinds of cookies!


Click on the title link to sign up.

How Do Dinosaurs Eat Cookies?

Chrysanthemum book cover

Date/Time: April 21, 2020, 10am and 10:30am

Reader: Katarina Hicks

Title: Chrysanthemum

Author: Kevin Henkes

Target age range: K-2

Summary: When Chrysanthemum was born her parents gave her a perfect name. She thought her name was perfect too, but on the first day of school her classmates did not think the same and made fun of it.

Click on the title link to sign up.


Cover of Leonardo The Terrible Monster

Date/Time: April 22, 2020 at 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Maria Roque

Title: Leonardo the Terrible Monster

Author: Mo Willems

Target age range: 4-6

Summary: In this story, Leonardo the monster is having trouble being a scary monster like the rest so he makes a plan to become more scary.

Click on the title link to sign up.

Leonardo the Terrible Monster

Cover the the title The Bad Seed

Date/Time: April 23, 2020 at 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Kaitlyn Bueno

Title: The Bad Seed

Author: John Jory and Pete Oswald

Target age range: K-2

Summary: The bad seed is about a seed who makes poor choices. The story talks about how the seed wasn't always bad, that life got tough and that made him become bad. The seed has a change of heart and decides to be good again. This book shows kids that just because they make mistakes sometimes, doesn't make them "bad seeds". It shows kids that their behavior sends a message, and if they do naughty things people may not want to be associated with them. This book teaches kids that it's never too late to turn your behavior around. :)


Click on the title link to sign up.

The Bad Seed

Cover of The Day the Crayons Came Home

Date/Time: April 24, 2020, 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Adriana M.

Title: The Day the Crayons Came Home

Author: Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers

Target age range: K-3

Summary: Duncan receives a stack of postcards from his crayons


Click on the title link to sign up.

The Day the Crayons Came Home


Date/Time: April 27, 2020 at 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Dr. Catherine Miller Young

Title: Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed

Author: Mo Willems

Target age range: K-5

Summary: Wilbur is different from the other naked mole rats in his colony: he wears clothes (and he likes it!). But what will happen when Grand-pah, the oldest, wisest, and most naked naked mole rat ever discovers Wilbur’s secret?


Click on the title link to sign up.

Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed


Date/Time: April 28, 2020 at 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Fatima Perez

Title: Ragweed

Author: Avi

Target age range: K-3

Summary: A mouse wants to leave his home and family to see the world and have fantastic adventures.

Click on the title link to sign up.



Date/Time: April 29, 2020, 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Dr. Catherine Miller Young

Title: Piggie Pie

Author: Margie Palatini

Target age range: PreK-2

Summary: What can a grouchy witch do when she is very hungry? Head over to Old McDonald's Farm to steal piggies for her pie! See what happens when the piggies learn they are next on the menu...

 Click on the tlte link to sign up.

Piggie Pie

Cover of Popol Wuj Pa Ya Bätsi

Date/Time: April 30, 2020, 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Salvador Manzo

Title: Popol Wuj Pa Ya Bätsi (Popol Wuh for Children)

Author: Bernando Govea and Daniel Silva

Target age range: 2 - 3 grade

Summary:  Popol Wuj Pa Ya Bätsi is a book about Popul Wuh, which is a collection of stories about history of Mexico, in precolumbian times, particularly the Mayah Quiché people. Some stories included in the book are Life was hidden on the water , The creation of the animals , and Holi, holiday, huki, huki: the attack of the pots and the dogs . It is written in three languages, Spanish, Otomi and English. There are many rich illustrations in the book. They are all illustrated using indigenous illustrations from Mexico. The three stories I will read from the book are "La vida estaba oculta sobre el aqua y bajo plumas", "La creación de los animales. ", and lastly Joli, joli, juki, juki: el ate de las ollas y de los perros."

Click on the tlte link to sign up.

Popol Wuj Pa Ya Bätsi (Popol Wuh for Children)


Date/Time: May 1, 2020, 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Salvadore Manzo

Title: The Tortoise and the Hare: An Aesop Fable

Author: Janet Stevens

Target age range: K-3

Summary: In this story, in this classic tale, Tortoise uses his perseverance in order to finish the race against the hare.

Click on the title link to sign up.

The Tortoise and the Hare

Cover of the book La Oruga Muy Hambrienta

Date/Time: May 4, 2020 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Alexa Navarette

Title: La Oruga Muy Hambrienta

Author: Eric Carle

Target age range: K

Summary: Este libro habla de una Oruga que come todo a su paso, y ensena a los ninos sobre la transformacion de una Oruga despues que sale de su capullo. Tambien los introduce a contar de una forma entretenida.

Click on the title link to sign up.

La Oruga Muy Hambrienta

Book cover of Secret Tree Fort

Date/Time: May 5, 2020 10am & 10:30am

Reader: Gissell Roque

Title: LSecret Tree Fort

Author: Brianne Farley

Target age range: Pre k- 3rd

Summary: This story is about two sisters who spend a day outside, the older sister isn’t very excited about being outside while the younger sister is really excited and ready to play. Her older sister doesn’t want to play with her so she starts talking about the secret tree for she has to get her older sister to play with her.

Click on the title link to sign up.

Secret Tree Fort