End, Stop and Null Statements. 1

Ending the Program... 1

Ends in Various Languages. 2

Labeled Ends. 2

Stopping the Program... 3

FORTRAN, BASIC, and COBOL STOP Statements. 5

Return Codes. 5

IBM Condition Codes. 6

PHP die Function. 6

Pause Statement 7

Conclusion. 7

Questions. 7

Do Nothing Commands. 8

Assembly Language nop Instruction. 9


Noise Words. 10

Pascal if Statements. 12

Parentheses around Comparisons. 13

Dummy Statements. 13

Loop Closings. 13

Summary. 15

Questions: 15


Copyright Dennie Van Tassel 2004.

Please send suggestions and comments to dvantassel@gavilan.edu


End, Stop and Null Statements

Ending the Program

There are two ends to a program: the physical end and logical end. The physical end is the last statement in the program. The logical end is where the program stops execution. In C language family the final brace } is used to end the program. For example in C++ we have:


   main() {

    . . .

   }  // physical end of the program.


One problem (or advantage) with this approach is that all kinds of blocks and compound statements use the same symbol for ending. Other languages use a particular statement (e.g. END) for ending the program that is used in no other place. In these languages we know when we see an END statement, we at ending the program and not just ending a compound statement or block.


Other languages have several ways to terminate program execution. For example, PL/I has four ways: end, stop, exit, and return. The end statement is the last line of the program or function. The stop or return statements are used for normal termination and exit is used for abnormal termination. Return statements are covered a little in this chapter but are covered more in the Function chapter.


Ends in Various Languages

Most early FORTRAN or BASIC programs would have an ending similar to this:


   10  STOP



The END statement is the last line in the main program and in all subroutines or functions. Since an END statement is a non-executable statement, the program cannot branch to an END statement. (This problem is discussed in detail in the “Placement of Labels within the Program” section of the Labels chapter.) The STOP statement is the logical end of the main program. And the statement number 10 on the STOP statement can be branched to as needed.


ALGOL used the same stop and end statements as used in FORTRAN. But ALGOL has blocks and uses begin and end for the block structure. So the begin and end statements of ALGOL are equivalent to open and closing brace in the C family of languages. Thus the ALGOL end is used to indicate the end of compound statements and the end of the program like the C family does with closing braces.


Pascal uses the end statement to indicate the end of compound statements and the program. But the final end statement in Pascal must be followed by a period. So “end” is the end of a compound statement or block, but “end.” (end period) is end of the program. Thus Pascal has a special command to end the program.


COBOL does not have an end statement. The last statement is the last statement and that is all there is to it. When looking at other languages this seems a little odd but it has worked fine with millions of COBOL programs.


Ruby programmers use “__END__” (two underscores before and after END) with no leading or trailing white space, to end their programs and any statements that follow will not be compiled. Ruby and Awk have END blocks that are executed at the close of the programs and these are discussed in the Block chapter.


So some languages with a specific statement for the physical end of the program are BASIC, FORTRAN, and Pascal. And I guess I have reached the end of this topic.


Labeled Ends

Some languages use the end statement and the name of function, program, or procedure to end the program. For example, Ada has procedures (which are like functions or methods), and the procedure name is used with the end statement. For example here is an Ada procedure to swap two values:


   procedure swap(a, b: in out elem) is

      temp: elem;


      temp := a;

      a := b;

      b := temp;

   end swap;


So the name of the procedure is swap and that is used to label the end statement.


FORTRAN has programs, subroutines, and functions. In FORTRAN 90 each unit has their own closing end statement, and the unit name can be optionally attached. For example, we could have the following end statements:


   end program main         ! the program name is main

   end function swap        ! the function name is swap

   end subroutine heading   ! the subroutine name is heading


These unit names are optional, but if there it must be identical to the name specified in the program, function, or subroutine statement. In FORTRAN, functions return a single value via the name of the function, whereas subroutines return values by the argument list. Visual Basic makes a similar use of end statements, indicating the unit being ended.


PL/I uses similar label end statements. Here is the swap program in PL/I:


   swap: procedure(a, b);  /* notice the semicolon */

      declare a, b, temp float;

      temp = a;

      a = b;

      b = temp;

   end swap;


Again the procedure name swap is used for the name of the procedure and for the final end statement. This method is used in PL/I for the main program, subroutines, and functions.

Stopping the Program

A statement or something is needed to stop the execution of the program. This is the logical end of the program. In C++ we could just have:



      cout << “Good bye world.” << endl;

   }  // logical end of the program.


In this great program, the last brace (some times called close curly brace) indicates the logical end of the program. This method of ending is called falling off the end and considered non-elegant. We could be more politically correct (PC) if we did the following:


    int main(){

      cout << “Good bye world.” << endl;

      return(0);  // logical end of the program.



So in C++ and other similar languages, the return statement is used to stop the execution of the program when in main( ).


While we can only have one physical end (e.g. end or closing brace) of the program, we can have one or more logical ends or return statements. For example:


      if (x < 0) return(1);  // error end of the program.

       . . .

      cin >> x;

       . . .

      return(0);  // normal end of the program.



Now we can stop the execution of the program with the return statement in the if statement. Or we can stop the execution of the program with the return statement before the closing brace. When you get to the section on Return Codes later in this chapter, I cover the values (1 or 0) in the return statements.


The problem with using a return statement to stop the program is that we may want to stop the program while in a function or subroutine. But if we are in a function, then the return statement will just get us back to the main or calling program. This is why some languages have a separate command to stop execution. C++ uses the exit() function to terminate the program execution. Here is an example:


      if (x < 0) exit(1);


The exit() is a function and not a command. Unlike the return statement, it will cause a program to stop execution even in a function. And the exit() function can also return a value when executed, like the return statement. So the C family has three ways to end the program: exit(), return, and final closing brace.



Both FORTRAN and BASIC have a STOP statement. The STOP statement cannot return a value like exit() in C++. There is only one END statement in the program, but there can be several STOP statements. We may have something like this in these languages:


     IF (x < 0 ) STOP

        . . .




Or we might change the above to the following so there is only one STOP statement:


      IF (x < 0) GOTO 150

         . . .

 150  STOP



Some people would argue that one of those is better than the other but I will decline getting involved in that argument. A STOP statement is customarily used but not required, since the END statement will take care of it. Thus we can fall off the end of the program (hit the END statement) and the program also halts.


COBOL uses STOP RUN to terminate a program, which illustrates the notion that COBOL programmers will always use more words if they can. Like its similar cousin in FORTRAN we can have several STOP RUN statements and if we have none, the program will still cease after processing the last statement.


Return Codes


FORTRAN I allowed an octal integer after the STOP statement, as follows:


   STOP 4


The octal integer, called a return code, would display on the IBM 704 console in the address field of the storage register and the programmer could see which STOP halted the program. This was a LONG time before time-sharing. Then you could look at the console and see what number was there and know why the program stopped. Only one program could execute at a time, so that programmer got the machine and the console. It is difficult to understand why a short print statement indicating the problem might not be more useful. While this may nowadays seem like a quaint use for STOP statements, we can see how it has evolved into similar uses.


This use is more than a historical note, since IBM Job Control Language uses condition codes and the C family of languages uses an integer in their return statements to indicate the success or failure of program execution.


The custom in the C family of languages is to return a value zero if the program executed successfully. Thus we use:




A non-zero value, indicates a problem or non-successful program execution. Thus we could use something like this:


      if (x < 0) return(1);


Different integers could be used to indicate the type of error. This type of information is useful, since often one program calls another program and the first program needs to know if the second program successfully executed. For example, one program could process and prepare data, and then request a sort program to sort the data file. If the sort worked correctly, then a third program could be called to print the data. These are all separate programs.


IBM Condition Codes

IBM Job Control Language (JCL) used condition code to indicate the relative success of the jobstep. A condition code of zero may indicate a successful run. IBM designated certain condition code numbers that normally indicate some kind of problem and should not be ignored. These numbers are in multiples of four: 0004, 0008, 0012, 0016, 0020, and 0024. The different codes had a suggested meaning. Codes 0001-0003 usually indicated successful run. Code 0004 (or higher) was used for a possible error but execution was possible. Code 0008 (or higher) is a serious error, and each higher number from the above list indicates a more serious error.


PHP die Function

PHP has the exit and return commands that do the normal things, but also has the die() function. The die() function will stop executing the program and return the expression to the browser just before aborting the script. Here is some PHP code:


 $file = fopen($filename, ‘r’) or

         die(“unable to open $filename”);


This die() function goes beyond an exit or return since it can return an expression such as a character string before terminating the program.


Perl has a similar die function that is also often used in the right side of a logical or, as follows:


   open(FILE, “myfile”) or die ”Can’t open myfile\n;


The output from die is sent to standard error and the program is terminated. Perl has a less disruptive function called warn, which also sends messages out to standard error, but the program does not terminate. While die is often used on the right side of an open command, it can be used many other places. The Perl die command also has access to the special variable $! which contains the most recent system error message.

Pause Statement

FORTRAN had a PAUSE statement. It was used to halt the computer in such a way that execution can be resumed. This was necessary so special paper (paychecks) or magnetic tape could be loaded on the machine for the next part of the job processing. One variation of the PAUSE statement might look as follows




I guess it is time to stop (0) or pause on this topic. I bet some of you did not know all the ways to stop a program smoothly. In COBOL the JCL was used to tell us to mount tape or change paper for the printer.



In this section on ending the program, I first separate the logical end and the physical end of the program. The physical end of the program is the last curly brace in many languages, but other languages use a special command such as an end statement.


The logical end of the program is the command that stops the execution of the program and this end can be placed any place in the program. There is a wide variety of commands to terminate program execution, including stop, exit, and return statements. And many languages can return an exit code when stopping the program. Readers interested in the topics covered in this section should also look at the return statement in the Function chapter.



  1. How do you suggest we design the ending of our programs in OPL? You need to look at both stop and end statements.
  2. Shall we use a special labeled end statement to end the program as they do in Ada or FORTRAN?
  3. Several language use exit statements to return a value which indicates the success or failure of that program or function. Should we do that in OPL, and if so how?
  4. Exactly what an exit does varies by language. Look up exit in several language families. Is exit a command or a function in these languages? Be sure to look up exit in PL/I and COBOL.



Do Nothing Commands


It is surprising how often a programming instruction, command, or word is needed that does nothing. There are several variations, which include null statements, dummy commands, and noise words. The obvious usefulness of a dummy or null statement is similar to the history of mathematics, where they “discovered” that zero would be an interesting number to have. Noise (unnecessary) words are used to make statements easy to read, or help programmers coming from a different language.


Here is an example where a null statement lets us avoid some serious thinking or making a bad logic error:


if (age < 21 && sex != ‘m’ || rate <= 25)

     ;  /* null statement, do nothing here. */


   countx = countx + 1;


In this example we do not want to do anything when the condition is true, but we do want to increment countx when the condition is false. In the above example if we did not have a null statement I would have to figure out how to reverse the comparison in the above if statement, and the likelihood of getting that correct is about as likely as me being elected Governor. Instead, we just use a null statement.[1]


Null statements are also use for the loop body when all the work is done in the expressions. For example, here is some JavaScript code:


   for(k = 0; k < codes.length; codes[k++] = 0)

      ; // null statement here.


In the above statement, I am setting all the elements of array codes to zero, by incrementing the array index (k++) in the last part of the for statement.


Null statements can be used to avoid a dangling else, especially in a nested if statement. Here is some pseudocode:


   if (condition-1) then

     if (condition-2) then statement-1

     else ; //null statement

   else statement-2


The first else has a null statement, and then the last else can be used to match the first if instead of the second if statement.


Here are some null statements in various languages:



Null statement















Null Statements by Language

Table x.1


Most languages have a null statement so it must have a purpose.


Dummy or null statements are used as placeholders where a statement has been taken out or will be added later. In other situations they are a useful place to branch to where we want nothing to happen, such as the bottom of a loop. Their use as a branch point is covered with the BASIC next command and the FORTRAN continue command later in this section on “Loop Closings.” Another reason for using dummy statements is to trick or satisfy the compiler. The compiler requires a statement, but we do not want to do anything, so we insert a dummy or null statement.


Assembly Language nop Instruction

The do nothing statement is as old as programming languages. Assembly language and Rexx have their nop (no operation) statement. It had several purposes. A nop can be used as placeholder where a statement has been taken out or statements will be added later. Also, nop can be used as a standard null statement. Some languages use noop instead of nop for this command. Here is an example in Rexx:


   if color = ‘BLUE’ then

      nop   /* null statement */


      say ‘Why not blue?’


In this Rexx example, the nop is similar to the standard null semicolon used in modern languages. In Rexx the nop is useful as the target of a then or else clause. 
In assembly language the nop instruction makes the CPU idle for one clock cycle. So if we need a delay of three clock cycles, we just insert three nop instructions. Thus the assembly language nop is slightly different than a standard null statement, since it actually does something, eating up some time.



COBOL has the NEXT SENTENCE that is used as follows:


IF (AGE < 21 AND SEX NOT = ‘M’ OR RATE <= 25) THEN





The COBOL NEXT SENTENCE seems to be used only with IF statements. ALGOL and C improved this by adopting the semicolon for a null statement. It may surprise you but the null statement was one of the important contributions of ALGOL. I guess we can say ALGOL contributed nothing and it was quite useful!


Noise Words

Noise words are redundant reserved (maybe) words that help programmers read statements and help the compiler find syntax errors. Thus, some times a noise word is an optional word and other times a required word. Another reason to use redundant words is to help programmers moving from another language to a new language. COBOL has a lot of noise words. The use of then with if statements is a good example of a useful noise word. Here is some pseudocode:


     if (a <= 10) then

        count = count + 1;


Some languages require the above then with if statements, some do not use it, and others allow it but do not require it.


Ruby requires then when if statements are all on one line. For example:


   if age <= 21 then puts “under 21” end


The then is used to separate the comparison from the statement. But then is optional when the if statement is on multiple lines as follows:


   if age <= 21 then   # then not required here.

      puts “under 21”



The end keyword terminates if statements.


The C family illustrates why then should perhaps be a required word. For example, here is a common C++ programming error:


     if (count <=10); 

        cout << 1.0/count << endl;


Did you notice the unwanted semicolon on the first line, at the end of the if? It is a null statement. So we may have a very tight infinite loop, or some other logic error. If we had a language that required the noise word then, this type of error would be more rare. For example, here is some pseudocode for the same statement where a then has been used:


     if (count <=10) then ;  // much less likely to do

        cout << 1.0/count << endl;


Some noise words are to prevent errors, but others are just for convenience, especially for programmers coming from other languages. For example, some languages require the word then after the comparison in an if statement and other languages forbid the use of then. So COBOL allows either:


     if (count <= 10) then compute count = . . .

     if (count <= 10) compute count = . . .


COBOL has other noise words. For example, COBOL wants all statements to start with a COBOL verb, so we cannot use the easy to understand:


     count = count + 1.


but must instead use:


     compute count = count + 1.


So in this statement compute is a required noise word.


Early BASIC required assignment statements to start with the reserved word LET. So in BASIC we would do something similar to




Since all BASIC statements started with a 2- or 3-letter keyword (rem, let, if, for, …) it made it easy for small compilers to process statements. As computers got bigger or compiler writers got smarter we got to skip the LET command for assignment statements in BASIC.


COBOL lets us use the word is, but does not require it in the following COBOL phrase:


     value is zero      or   

value zero


We can also say:


     on size error      or

     size error


leaving out the optional word on.


Other COBOL noise words are is and than which are used in comparisons. We can write:




or we can write:


   IF (AGE GREATER 21). . .


There are other examples of optional noise words in COBOL, maybe because they have so many words to choose from. COBOL allows us to be as brief or verbose as we wish.

Pascal if Statements

In Pascal, the use of then for if statements is not required. So we can have:


     if a <= 0 then foundit := 0;


or we can have


     if a <= 0 foundit := 0;


which is much harder to read and do syntax checking (at least for me).


Parentheses around Comparisons

Parentheses are not required around conditionals in Pascal. Several other languages, including Ruby, do not require parentheses around conditionals in if statements. Some languages that do not require parentheses around comparisons are COBOL and Pascal. But parentheses are allowed, so parentheses are examples of useful "noise items" in these languages. Java and Fortran require us to use parentheses around comparisons.


Dummy Statements

Dummy statements are commands that do nothing or execute no operation. They may serve to place a label. The most common uses of dummy statements is for loop closing or branch points where nothing happens. It is amazing how much we can make out of nothing. FORTRAN has the CONTINUE statement and BASIC has the NEXT statement. Both of these are used to be the last statement of a loop, which can be also branched to and nothing bad will happen.


The C family has a similar situation where a statement must follow a label. But we may want no statement if the label is at the bottom of a loop. For example:


   { . . .

       go to done;

       . . .

    done:  ; /* null statement here */ }


In this example, we are required to have a statement after the label done, but do not need any statement, so we add the null C statement. C++ has relaxed that requirement.


Loop Closings

In both BASIC and FORTRAN we use a noise statement to indicate the end of loops or to have some place to branch to where nothing will happen. Here is an example in FORTRAN:


       do 10, k = 1, 8, 1

          if (a .le. 0.0) goto 10

           . . .

  10   read *, a


The above branch goes to another read statement, which we may not want to do. So instead we use the dummy FORTRAN continue statement.


       do 10, k = 1, 8, 1

          if ( a .le. 0.0) goto 10

           . . .

          read *, a

  10   continue


A similar situation occurs with BASIC for and next statements as follows:


 10   for k = 1 to 8 step 1

 20      if (a <= 0.0) then goto 40

 30      . . .

 40   next k


In the following example, we skip dividing by zero, by branching to the continue statement.


c   print inverses -5 to 5, skipping zero.

      do 10, k = 1, 11

         m = k - 6

         if (m .eq. 0) goto 10

         print *, m, 1.0/m

  10  continue


In FORTRAN we have another need for continue statements – to branch to the end of a nested loop.


       do 10, k = 1, 8

          do 10, m = 1, 5

             if ( a .le. 0.0) then goto 10

          . . .

  10   continue


What problem do you see for the compiler in the above code? There are nested loops, so it is not obvious if the goto statement is branching to the end of the inner loop or outer loop. Fortran has a rule for this, but we may not know the rule and assume the other loop is being ended. This discrepancy is taken care of by using two continue statements.


      do 10, k = 1, 8

         do 5, m = 1, 5

            if ( a .le. 0.0) then goto 10

            . . .

  5      continue

 10   continue


In this example, the second continue statement is necessary. The above could be done in BASIC using for and next, almost exactly the same.



In this section I provided examples of how null statements and noise words are used in many languages. Some times they are used to make the program more readable. In other cases a null statement was used to avoid a syntax irregularity. For those of you interested in these topics, the section on statement separator and statement terminator may also be of interest.


  1. Look at a couple languages and see what noise words or symbols it uses. How do these noise words or symbols help the programmer or the compiler? Are the noise words or symbols required or optional?
  2. Look up null statements in different language families. How are null statements used in each group?
  3. If you were designing OPL would you require parentheses around the conditional expression in if statements? Would you require the use of the redundant then word? Why or why not for both cases?
  4. Make your recommendations for noise words and null statements for OPL.




Perl......................................................................... 7


Ruby...................................................................... 2

{ open brace............................................................. 2

} closing brace.......................................................... 2


null statement.................................................... 10

assembly language

nop........................................................................ 9


ending.................................................................... 4


NEXT SENTENCE........................................... 10


noise word.......................................................... 11

condition codes........................................................ 6

continue statement........................................ 13, 14

curly brace

see brase................................................................ 4


function................................................................. 6

do nothing commands............................................ 8

dummy commands................................................. 8

dummy statements............................................... 13


labeled................................................................... 2

program................................................................. 4

end period................................................................. 2

END statement......................................................... 2


stopping................................................................. 4


function................................................................. 4

falling off the end................................................ 4, 5

greater than........................................................... 12

IBM JCL................................................................... 6


use of then....................................................... 10


noise word.......................................................... 12

JCL............................................................................. 6

Job Control Language............................................ 6

labeled end................................................................ 3

logical end................................................................. 3

loop closings........................................................... 13

magnetic tape

pause................................................................... 7

nested loop

branch to............................................................ 14


BASIC................................................................. 14

NEXT SENTENCE................................................. 10

no operation............................................................. 9

noise words............................................................. 10

noop, see nop......................................................... 9

nop............................................................................ 9

null statement........................................................... 8

ALGOL contributed.......................................... 10


noise word.......................................................... 12

PAUSE....................................................................... 7


pause................................................................... 7

physical end.............................................................. 1


program ends....................................................... 1

politically correct..................................................... 4

program end............................................................. 1

redundant words.................................................... 12

return.................................................................... 4

return code................................................................ 5


nop....................................................................... 10


COBOL................................................................. 5

STOP statement....................................................... 2


noise word.......................................................... 12


noise word.......................................................... 10


COBOL............................................................... 12


function................................................................. 7




   =   =


PL/I has end, exit, stop, and return statements.


do I want to do anything with UNIX exit.


This file is from www.gavilan.edu/csis/dvantassel/history/end-stop.html

Date last revised Feburary 17, 2008.

Copyright Dennie Van Tassel, 2004.

Send comments or suggestions to dvantassel@gavilan.edu

I am especially interested in errors or omissions and I have other chapters on History of Programming Languages.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.


[1]  Some of you may have observed that I could negate the whole comparison, but that is in a different chapter, and I would lose this nice example.